我们的使命是积极推广乔治敦学院,它的人,项目和理想. The college marketing & 通信支持学院协调各方面:
- public relations
Style Guide
一般来说,学院遵循美联社的风格手册. 以下是学院对AP风格手册的一些例外情况, 以及人们在写作风格中犯的常见错误.
- Italicize the names of books, plays, newspapers.
- Chapters are quoted.
- Songs, articles are quoted.
- Capitalize the names of music groups, 即使不使用乔治敦学院(乔治敦学院赞美诗或赞美诗), Georgetown College Symphonic Band or Symphonic Band).
- Allen Hall
- Alpha Gamma Delta House
- Anderson Hall (Athletics/Education/Graduate Education)
- Anne Wright Wilson Fine Arts Building
- Anne Wright Wilson Fine Arts Gallery
- Asher Science Center
- Collier Hall
- Cooke Memorial
- Cralle Student Center (Student Life)
- The Cafe
- The Grille
- The Store
- Davis-Reid Alumni Gym
- Ensor Learning Resource Center (Library)
- Cochenour Art Gallery
- Jacobs Gallery
- Mulberry Cafe
- Equine Scholars Program
- Flowers Hall
- George H.W. Bush Center for Fitness
- 吉丁斯大厅(学术课程/行政/机构发展)
- Highbaugh Hall (Business office/Registrar)
- John L. Hill Chapel or Hill Chapel
- Kappa Alpha House
- Kappa Delta House
- Knight Hall
- Lambda Chi Alpha House
- McCandless House (International Programs)
- Nunnelley Music Building
- Patterson House (Admissions)
- Pawling Hall
- The Peyton Thurman Meetinghouse (Career & Calling)
- PHA House (President’s House Association)
- Phi Kappa Tau House
- Phi Mu House
- Pi Kappa Alpha House
- Pierce Hall
- Sigma Kappa House
- Underground Railroad Research Institute
- Wilson Lab Theatre
- James and Martha Brown Conference Center
- Toyota Stadium
- Internet是大写的,Web(网站、网址、上网)也是大写的。. The word e-mail is hyphenated.
- 不要大写一个人的头衔,除非用在他们的名字前面. The exception is in athletics. 只有在名称之前使用完整的标题时,才将其大写.
- Departments have chairpersons or chairs, not chairmen.
- 所有学院办公室和学术部门都小写,除非是专有名词, such as English department.
- Spell out numbers one through nine; use numbers to indicate values 10 and higher. 使用带有百分比的数字,但不要使用百分比符号i.e. 3 percent.
- 赌博导航所有网站大全学院使用牛津逗号,除非它的使用会降低列表的清晰度或可读性.
- Georgetown’s performance program, major (Theatre and Performance Studies), and activities utilize the spelling “theatre.”
- Maskrafters Theatre; a Maskrafters Theatre production
- 在句末的句号后只使用一个空格.
- 副本可以通过电子邮件发送给营销和通信部门,也可以作为微软Word文档保存在磁盘上. 注意:建议将Word文档的文本也复制到电子邮件的正文中.
- Copy for all projects is expected in electronic format.
- Spell out the names of the 50 U.S. states when they stand alone in textual material.
- 八个州的名字在文字中从不缩写:阿拉斯加州, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Ohio, Texas and Utah. (辅助记忆:拼出不属于美国的两个州的名字,以及不超过五个字母的大陆州的名字.)
- Spell out when used as a noun. Use U.S. (no space) only as an adjective.
Colors and Font Usage
Colors for Print
- PMS: 165C
- RGB: 255, 102, 0
- CMYK: 0, 74, 94, 0
- HEX: FF6600
Fonts for Print
The official font of the Georgetown College logo is DIN. Abril也是被批准用于大学材料的字体. These fonts are not pre-installed. 如果您在使用这些字体方面需要帮助,请与营销和通信办公室联系 [email protected].
Logo Usage
该标志可从营销和传播办公室获得. 不应该从大学网页上复制和粘贴徽标,因为图像的分辨率会很差,质量不适合印刷出版. 您可以使用下面的文档或按钮下载徽标.
Georgetown College Logos
Right-click, then choose “Save As…”
Georgetown College Athletic Logos
Right-click, then choose “Save As…”
All textual, 出现在这个万维网网站(“网站”)上的图形和其他内容是乔治敦学院的财产. 版权所有©1998-2019美国肯塔基州乔治敦东学院街400号乔治敦学院. All Rights Reserved. You may view, copy, 打印和使用本网站包含的内容仅供您个人使用, provided that:
- 本网站提供的内容仅用于提供信息和非商业目的.
- 本网站提供的文字、图形或其他内容不得以任何方式加以修改.
- No graphics available from this Web Site are used, copied or distributed separate from accompanying text.
- 本协议中的任何内容均不得被解释为暗示授予, 禁止反言或其他任何许可或其他授权使用任何版权, 乔治敦学院或任何第三方的商标或其他知识产权, except as expressly provided herein.